We wish you pleasant use and stable economic prosperity!List of main functionsPlanning and customization• Since most of us get paid at 10 a month - you can choose a date range, to manage a budget accordingly Of your choice. For example, instead of 1 to 31, you can choose between 10 and 9.• Example of a ready budget. You can delete the sample template and build a custom budget or Edit the existing template.• The budget consists of 5 parts. Each part has its own color.1) Revenue2) Expenses3) Savings4) Debts5) Unplanned• Unplanned - When you enter the amount into a category of revenue, the system allocates 10% in a Automatic for unplanned expenses. The amount of the provision can be adjusted at your discretion.• Create unlimited categories.• Create unlimited subcategories.• Each category has a built-in sub-category for recording unplanned expenses.• Edit names and select icons.• Create reminders for important payments.Monitoring and control• A control panel reflects all the main financial information - balance, cash, cash, unplanned and deficit. and all Expenses by categories.Deficit - If you spend more than planned, the difference will appear in the deficit category.• A mechanism to cover the deficit, through unplanned savings and / or at the expense of other sub-categories. For example, Planning in the "recreation" category is 100. You spent 60. There are 40 left. This remainder can be used to cover the deficit.• Tracking of income and expenses in relation to planning. Detailed information about each sub-category - some planning, some Earn or spend, how much is left until the end of the planning.• Select a date and option to add a note when entering expenses and income.• Editing a monthly planning amount and receiving reminders for the current month• History management. Editing and deleting financial transactions in the past, including UAVs and deficits.• Ongoing report of the financial situation.• Additional indicators for convenient perception of financial information.